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Riker channels allow for messages to be published to interested subscribers. Channels are actors so messaging a channel works the same way as any othe actor.

Starting a channel

The riker::actors::channel function returns a channel:

let chan: ChannelRef<PowerStatus> = channel("power-status", &sys).unwrap();


To subscribe to and receive messages from a channel an actor must support the message type of the channel.

In the above example we created a channel that publishes PowerStatus messages, notifying components in an autonomous vehicle of changes in available battery energy. Let's create two actors that will subscribe to the channel so they can receive this message:

struct GpsActor;

struct NavigationActor;


// Each actor would send a Subscribe message to the
// channel, typically in `pre_start`. E.g.:
let sub = Box::new(ctx.myself());
chan.tell(Subscribe { actor: sub, topic: "*".into() }, None);

Here we have two actors that each need to receive status changes in available battery power so they can adapt their behavior. They both must support the PowerStatus message that the channel publishes. You'll notice that we need to use Box to create a trait object of Tell<PowerStatus>.

The Subscribe message is used to subscribe an actor to a channel, which you'll notice requires a topic. A channel consists of one or more topics, typically that have a common theme. When a message is published it is published to a specific topic on the channel.


When subscribing to a topic, if it does't already exist it will be created and any future messages published to it will be sent to the subscriber.


The Publish message is used to publish to a channel:

let stat = PowerStatus { ... };
chan.tell(Publish { msg: stat, topic: "power".into() }, None);

This message will be cloned and sent to each subscriber of my-topic on the channel chan.

In this case, it may be that the GpsActor will choose to lower the GPS sampling rate if the battery level falls below a certain percentage, thus lowering the power used. The NavigationActor might override any active mission and force the vehicle to return to base if the power level drops to a critical level. The same use of channels could be applied to ecommerce platforms, payments systems, warehouse logistics, shipping tracking, etc.

Common channels

When the actor system starts serveral channels are created. These channels help developers receive messages about system events and failed messages.

System events

The System Events channel provides events including ActorCreated, ActorRestarted and ActorTerminated events. Each of these are reprented as topic actor.created, actor.restarted and actor.terminated topics respectively. The message type is SystemEvent enum


    .tell(Subscribe { actor: sub1, topic: "actor.created".into() }, None);


System events are considered system messages and therefore a subscriber's Actor::sys_recv method will be invoked instead of Actor::recv.

Dead letters

The Dead Letters channel publishes messages that failed to be delivered to their destination actor. This channel can be subscribed to to handle those messages. Note: Dead letters use Debug representation of the original undelivered message, limiting the use of dead letters to logging of failed messages rather than actually acting upon them.


sys.dead_letters().tell(Subscribe { actor: sub1, topic: "*".into() }, None);

Channels form an integral part of the Riker system and provide essential services to creating dynamic applications where actors collaborate to achieve a common goal.

Next we'll look at scheduling messages to be sent at a time in the future.

Scheduling Messages