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Getting Started

This guide will take you through the fundamentals of the Riker Framework, starting with the basics of the Actor Model through to more advanced topics such as application resilience.

If you're familiar with the Actor Model and have used other actor frameworks, you will find Riker familiar. In particular, Riker has been inspired by Scala's Akka and has adopted some of the core concepts and terminology from that project.

If you've never used actors in application development before, this documentation aims to be concise and easy to understand. No prior knowledge of actors is necessary.

We welcome and encourage contributions to this guide. Please feel free to create Github issues with feedback or create PRs with changes. This documentation's source lives at:


Riker is pre-1.0, and as such the framework is evolving. You can expect some API-level changes, but we do strive to keep breaking changes to an absolute minimum. Between versions 0.1 to 0.2.3 there was only one minor API change, for example.


The actor model is a conceptual model to deal with concurrent computation1. At the core of the Riker framework are four main components:

  • ActorSystem - Every Riker application has an ActorSystem that manages actor lifecycles
  • Actor - Rust types that implement the Actor trait so they may receive messages
  • Props - A configuration object that is Send and can be used when creating new actors
  • ActorRef - A lightweight type that is inexpensive to clone and can be used to interact with its underlying Actor, such as sending messages to it

Let's look at each of these and see how a simple application is created.

Defining Actors

An Actor is the fundamental unit of computation. Actors communicate solely through messages in an asynchronous fashion. An actor can perform three distinct actions based on the message it receives:

  • send a finite number of messages to other actors
  • create a finite number of new actors
  • change its state or designate the behavior to be used for the next message it receives

Actors interact with each other by passing messages. There is no assumed order to the above actions, and they could be carried out concurrently. Two messages that are sent concurrently can arrive in either order.

To define an actor, the system needs to understand how an actor should handle the messages it receives. To do this, implement the Actor trait on your data type and, at a minimum, provide a recv method.

Here's the Rust code:

struct MyActor;

impl Actor for MyActor {
    type Msg = String;

    fn recv(&mut self,
            ctx: &Context<String>,
            msg: String,
            sender: Sender) {

        println!("received {}", msg);

In this example, a simple struct MyActor implements the Actor trait. When a message is sent to MyActor, it is scheduled by the system for immediate execution. The recv function is invoked and the message is printed to stdout.

Creating Actors

Every application has an ActorSystem. The actor system provides actor management and the runtime to execute actors when they're sent messages. It also provides essential services such as starting actors and exposing system services.

To start the actor system:

let sys = ActorSystem::new().unwrap();

Here we see that the actor is started using ActorSystem::new. Once we've started the actor system we're ready to create some actors.

We can also configure the system with a custom name using the SystemBuilder:

let sys = SystemBuilder::new()

Once the actor system is started, we can begin to create actors:

let my_actor = sys.actor_of::<MyActor>("my-actor").unwrap();

Every actor has a name that is required to be unique among its singlings (those actors sharing the same parent actor). A name is also required so that we can interact with the actor using its actor path.

Although this is just a single line of code, a lot is happening behind the scenes. Actor lifecycles and state are managed by the system. When an actor starts, it keeps the properties in case it needs to restart the actor if it fails. When an actor is created, it gets its own mailbox for receiving messages and other interested actors are notified about the new actor joining the system.

Actor References

When an actor is started using variants of actor_of, the system returns a reference to the actor, an ActorRef. The actual actor instance remains inaccessible directly, its lifecycle being managed and protected by the system. In Rust terms, the system has and always maintains 'ownership' of the actor instance. When you're interacting with actors, you're actually interacting with the actor's ActorRef! This is a core concept of the actor model.

An ActorRef always refers to a specific instance of an actor. When two instances of the same Actor are started, they're still considered separate actors, each with different ActorRefs.


ActorRefs are inexpensive and can be cloned (they implement Clone) without too much concern about resources. References can also be used in Props as a field in another actor's factory method, a pattern known as endowment. ActorRefs can be sent as a message to another actor, a pattern known as introduction.

Sending Messages

Actors communicate only through sending and receiving messages. They are isolated and never expose their state or behavior.

If we want to send a message to an actor, we use the tell method on the actor's ActorRef:

let my_actor = sys.actor_of::<MyActor>("my-actor").unwrap();
my_actor.tell("Hello my actor!".to_string(), None);

Here, we've sent a message of type String to our MyActor actor. The second parameter lets us specify a sender as an Option<BasicActorRef> (type alias Sender). Since we're sending the message from main and not from an actor, we're setting the sender as None.


Let's go back to our MyActor and combine what we've seen so far into a complete example:

Cargo.toml dependencies:

riker = "0.4"

use std::time::Duration;
use riker::actors::*;

struct MyActor;

// implement the Actor trait
impl Actor for MyActor {
    type Msg = String;

    fn recv(&mut self,
            _ctx: &Context<String>,
            msg: String,
            _sender: Sender) {

        println!("Received: {}", msg);

// start the system and create an actor
fn main() {
    let sys = ActorSystem::new().unwrap();

    let my_actor = sys.actor_of::<MyActor>("my-actor").unwrap();

    my_actor.tell("Hello my actor!".to_string(), None);

    // force main to wait before exiting program

Here, we've started the actor system and an instance of MyActor. Then, we sent a message to the actor.

To explore this example project, click here.

Actor Parameters

So far we've seen simple actors that have no constuctor and arguments. Actors can support argument passing by implmenting the ActorFactoryArgs trait:

struct Drone {
    battery_mAh: u32,
    max_range: Option<u32>,

// single argument
impl ActorFactoryArgs<u32> for Drone {
    fn create_args(battery_mAh: u32) -> Self {
        Drone {
            max_range: None

// multiple arguments - using tuple
impl ActorFactoryArgs<(u32, u32)> for Drone {
    fn create_args((battery_mAh, max_range): (u32, u32)) -> Self {
        Drone {
            max_range: Some(max_range)


let d1 = sys.actor_of_args::<Drone, _>("drone-1", 100_000).unwrap();
let d2 = sys.actor_of_args::<Drone, _>("drone-2", (200_000, 50)).unwrap();


In systems that have multi-level actor hierarchies, actor parameters can be encapsulated into a configuration object Props. This allows actor configuration and actor starting to be decoupled. Configuration can be done once and shared with multiple actor starting sites. It also enables common actor patterns.

struct ClientWebhookManager {
    customer: Uuid,
    max_retries: u32,

impl ActorFactoryArgs<(Uuid, u32)> for ClientWebhookManager {
    fn create_args((customer, max_retries): (Uuid, u32)) -> Self {
        ClientWebhookManager {

// create props, `Clone` and `Send` to anywhere that needs to start
// the respective actor at any time
let props = Props::new_args::<ClientWebhookManager, _>((cid, 3));

// use props to start actor
let w1 = sys.actor_of_props("manager-1", props.clone()).unwrap();
let w2 = sys.actor_of_props("manager-2", props).unwrap();

Message Guarantees

Riker provides certain guarantees when handling messages:

  • Message delivery is 'at-most-once'. A message will either fail to be delivered, or be delivered one time. There is no repeat delivery of the same message.
  • An actor handles one message at any time.
  • Messages are stored in an actor's mailbox in the order that they are received.

On this page, you learned the basics of creating a Riker application using actors. Let's move on to the next section to see more comprehensive example using multiple message types:

Sending multiple message types